
100 Doors Beast Clash Level 81 82 83 84 85 Walkthrough

100 Doors Beast Clash Level 81 Walkthrough
Drag the pot to the vase on the left table, right then press the flower to get water and pour water over the carpet.
Drag the pot to the vase on the right table, right then press the flower to get water and pour water over the carpet.
Drag the pot to the flower vase on the floor, right then press the flower to get water and pour water over the carpet. Shake your phone to open the door.

100 Doors Beast Clash Level 81 82 83 84 85

100 Doors Beast Clash Level 82 Walkthrough
Pull the knife to the top and bottom wall, press the head of the statue and put the gear wheel down the wall. Move the handle of the lever to the wheel gear and turn the lever to the right.

100 Doors Beast Clash Level 83 Walkthrough
Press the table until it drops and swipe the curtain so that it looks 23 on the wall. Press the numbered circle and press the number 5223.

100 Doors Beast Clash Level 84 Walkthrough
Press each box button on the wall in the correct order then use the key on the table to open the door.

100 Doors Beast Clash Level 85 Walkthrough
Move the container box on the floor to the table and then pour the bundle into the container. Pour the cup on the shelf into the container box, and pour the spoon into the container as well. Move the key pieces into the container and press. Move the spoon to the cup then use the pliers to move the cup to the fireplace. Pour the cup into the container and use the key to open the door.
Next 100 Doors Beast Clash Level 86 87 88 89 90 Walkthrough

100 Doors Beast Clash Level 81 82 83 84 85 Walkthrough